Ocean Lover Gift Set
Ocean Lover Gift Set
Ocean Lover Gift Set
Ocean Lover Gift Set

Ocean Lover Gift Set

A bronze bottle opener in the shape of an oyster and a glass cup with a permanent fish friend. Crack open your favorite bottled...

A bronze bottle opener in the shape of an oyster and a glass cup with a permanent fish friend. Crack open your favorite bottled beverage and enjoy it out of your new favorite glass.

Fish Cup: 3.15" H x 3.35" DIA

Oyster: Approx. 2" x 3"


Two of our bestsellers, paired together to make the most Coming Soon gift set out there.

Coming Soon

Offers a selection of vintage furniture, mostly late 20th Century, sourced from various places and collections. Each piece is either reupholstered or refurbished to give it a new life.

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